Adam Quagliata Adam Quagliata

CNC Plasma Cutter

What is a CNC Plasma and what does it do? A CNC Plasma is essentially a computer run plasma torch that runs on a table using X/Y coordinates. It is used for many applications cutting various forms of metal and alloys into shapes and patterns, this is all based on what the operators end goal is. They can be used in large scale manufacturing operations or used to create one-of-a-kind pieces of art.

These doors were created using a CNC Plasma cutter.

  You can find CNC Plasma cutting tables in many sizes, and prices. If you are a DIYer you can find them for a few thousand dollars. These tables will be relatively small in comparison but will still require the same computer setup and skill for design and programing. By contrast, large manufacturing shops will have CNC Plasma tables that cost tens of thousands of dollars if not more.

CNC Plasma cutting aluminum

  These tables are either filled with water or a special coolant, both of which function as a catch for dust and particles as well as keeping the material being cut to cool avoiding warping. They are connected to an airline that is attached to an air compressor. This air runs through the Plasma cutter itself then up to the plasma torch. This allows for a cleaner more professional cut, trying to cut without air will result in a mess IF it even cuts!

CNC Plasma torch

   The CNC Plasma table can be used to create art to hang on the all, signs for your home or front yard, cages can be made using a CNC Plasma cutter, imagine building a guard rail around your balcony and instead of using pickets like everyone else you have a custom designed pattern cut out of steel, or any alloy that fits your idea? It can be done with a CNC Plasma cutter!

CNC Plasma cutter

  In summary, if you can dream it, it can be done. All it takes is a little imagination, finding the right company willing to do the design work that you have in your head and then translate that into a program to cut and make your dream a reality. Did I mention that it can also be an inexpensive way to increase the equity of your home? It can! Window designs, sun screens on your porch, just about anything you could imagine can increase your home value and a CNC Plasma is the way to go.

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